Your auditors and tax consultants in Germany

Welcome to Dürkop Möller und Partner in Germany!

New products and markets whose globalization and constantly changing legal conditions are placing high demands on you as a company.

The need for a competent advisor you can trust and who offers a comprehensive realm of support and consultation is what we can supply for you. We are the guarantee for the long-term assurance of your company’s success.

Taxation and Auditing, tax consultation and legal consultation

Whether auditing, tax or legal advice: As auditors and tax consultants for large enterprises and SMEs throughout Germany, we will always stand by your side. Our precept in doing this is to act and not to have to react. Your permanent reference partner and, with that, a client-consultant team building is our top priority.

Our auditing and tax company is directly beside the Elbe Philharmonic Hall in the heart of the HafenCity – the maritime center of Hamburg.


Dürkop Möller und Partner mbB

Am Kaiserkai 62, 20457 Hamburg

+49 (0)40 333954-0
+49 (0)40 333954-401

Angebot anfordern, Termin- oder Rückrufwunsch?

Taxation and Auditing

As a tax and auditing company in Germany, we conduct all legally prescribed and voluntary annual audits.

Tax Consultation

For us, tax consultation means providing you with ways to reduce your taxation burden.

Legal Consultation

Thanks to our close partnership with the law offices of Weiland Rechtsanwälte, we can offer our clients an ‘all in one’ comprehensive and competent support.

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